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News — Heldi Lee

Film Review: Showbiz Spy 假冒女團 (2021) - Hong Kong

Andrew Chan Anson Lo Chloe So Heldi Lee Showbiz Spy 假冒女團

Film Review: Showbiz Spy 假冒女團 (2021) - Hong Kong

Film Review: Showbiz Spy 假冒女團 (2021) - Hong Kong Reviewed by Andrew Chan (Film Critics Circle of Australia) It probably goes without saying that popular boy band “Mirror” star Anson Lo remains the star attraction for this harmless yet mindless entertainment vehicle. Not unlike the 90s and 00s Hong Kong flicks which showcase idols from “Four Heavenly Kings” to “Twins”, in today’s world, “Mirror” are on the same page. That’s not necessary a bad thing as it provides the fledging film industry with some box office boost. In terms of cinematic quality, one need to come without expectations and in turn...

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