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Film Review: Trap 圈套 (2024) USA

Andrew Chan

Film Review: Trap 圈套 (2024) USA

Reviewed by Andrew Chan (Film Critics Circle of Australia)

"Trap" (2024), directed by M. Night Shyamalan, offers a unique blend of the ridiculous and engaging elements, falling slightly short of delivering a truly thrilling experience. Josh Hartnett's portrayal of Cooper in an against-type role adds depth to the film, as he navigates a nightmarish scenario at a pop concert with his daughter Riley.

The plot unfolds as the seemingly innocent event reveals its dark and sinister underbelly, trapping attendees in a dangerous game with the infamous serial killer, The Butcher. Shyamalan's direction creates a sense of unease by juxtaposing the facade of entertainment with the looming threat, keeping viewers guessing until the climax.

While "Trap" doesn't reach the heights of a classic thriller, it manages to captivate with its unconventional premise and unexpected twists. Hartnett's performance shines amidst the chaos, grounding the film in emotional depth.

Overall, "Trap" offers a distinctive and entertaining experience, daring to be different in the psychological thriller genre, making it a worthwhile watch for fans of Shyamalan's signature storytelling style.

I rated it 6.5/10


Reviewed in Cinemas, Hong Kong


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