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News — Collin Chou

Film Review: Fearless 霍元甲 (2006) - Hong Kong / China

Andrew Chan Collin Chou Fearless Jet Li Ronny Yu

Film Review: Fearless 霍元甲 (2006) - Hong Kong / China

Fearless (2006) - Hong Kong / China Reviewed by Andrew Chan (Film Critics Circle of Australia) Help us continue to cover more Asian and Martial Art films by making a donation to Neo Film Blog below. Billed as Jet Li's final wushu film, Fearless directed by Ronny Yu is an epic affair. Watching the director cut's version with a duration of 2 hours and 35 minutes, a good 35 minutes longer, it definitely feels more complete, developed and coherent. In the former theatrical version, the middle redemption part is far too short to be convincing. A decade onwards, Fearless is every bit as...

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