Director : Takashi Miike
Cast : Shibasaki Kou, Atsushi Ida, Renji Ishibashi
Language : Japanese
Subtitles : English, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese
Disc Format : DVD
System : NTSC
Screen Format : 16:9 Widescreen
Duration : 113 mins
Release Date : 2004-09-27
Publisher : Widesight
Synopsis :
Takashi Miike is a busy man, but his hard schedule doesn't seem to be affecting the quality of his films. "Chakushin Ari", released in theaters in early 2004, is the story of college student Yumi Nakamura, played by Shibasaki Kou ("Battle Royale"). Bored at a singles party, Yumi waits for her friend Yoko, who arrives to the party late after finishing work. While Yoko is changing clothes in the ladies room, she receives a phone call with a spooky ring tone she has never heard before. To make things creepier, the call appears to be from her own phone. Yoko listens to the message, which is dated three days in the future, and hears her own voice saying "It's started raining." The short message is followed by a bloodcurdling scream. Several days later, the events heard in the message actually occur, and Yoko meets a gruesome death.
However, Yoko isn't the last person to hear this strange ring tone. Others begin getting similar calls and meeting similar fates, and Yumi finds herself in a race against time to solve the mystery before her own number comes up...
東京大學女生由美驚聞友好慘死,最恐怖的,是她們都 曾在死前3日接到猛鬼手機留言,發訊人竟是死者自己!留 言更透過來電記錄不斷傳開,最後由美也不幸收到口訊,聽 到自己死前的說話以及淒厲慘叫,3日後必死無疑!神秘男 子山下此時出現,冒死助由美破解厄運,原來山下的妹妹亦 是受害者…期限將至,種種線索將由美引領到一所棄置的舊 醫院,內裡陰森可怖,在破解手機留言謎底的關鍵時刻,最 恐怖的凶靈直撲眼前…