TROUBLESOME NIGHT 4 陰陽路4 : 與鬼同行 1998 ( (Hong Kong Movie) DVD ENGLISH SUB (REGION FREE)
Cast : Louis Koo, Paulyn Sun, Simon Lui
Director : Herman Yau
Language : Cantonese, Mandarin
Subtitles : English, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese
System : NTSC
Disc Format : DVD
Screen Format : Letterbox
Sound System : Dolby Digital
Duration : 97 mins
Release Date : 1999-01-01
Publisher : Widesight HK
Usually ships within 5 days with TRACKING NUMBER
Leonardo, DiCaprio and Ming joined a bargain tour to Philippines hoping that they could feast all they could on the local girls as well as those traveling with them. They were excited to see that two wantons, U2 and K2 had joined their tour and their guide was a very pretty girl named Yan. They thought they would enjoy themselves, but in fact, they were heading for their death. Young courier Alan and loving couple Wing and Apple were also on the same plane, ridiculous happenings begun.
李安納度、狄卡比奧與明仔三人參加菲律賓旅行團,本以為可以在菲島大滾特滾,不料卻因此踏上陰陽路,與鬼同行... 同機有年青速遞員Alan,負責護送一菲籍少女骨灰返菲。途中,怪事連連,骨灰盅?的少女骨灰竟化成艷鬼現身..。同機另有一對年青夫婦亞榮、Apple。Apple在途中看見自己的畫像,大感疑惑,其後又獲神婆贈以奇怪預言…