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Film Review: Wolf Warrior 2 (2017) - China

Andrew Chan Celina Jade Wolf Warrior 2 Wu Jing

Wolf Warrior 2 (2017) - China

Review by Andrew Chan

It's probably long overdue for martial artist Wu Jing to finally be recognised as the a bankable box office winner and he does so in spectacular fashion. The biggest China box office hit of all time, Wolf Warrior 2 is actually a far superior film than its original and the fights are ten-folds better and grittier. Putting aside any nationalistic comments or flag waving finale, the film is fits the long gapping section of the China film market perfectly and we all need films like these to satisfy our thirst and void for action. 

Wu Jing with a long line of Hong Kong directors as mentors as well as being Jet Li's torch bearer have gradually build his career through bit part roles in bigger films and starring in smaller productions like Legendary Assassins (also Celina Jade). His journey to superstardom is well deserved and at 42, he is 10 years younger than Donnie Yen and Jet Li and a good 20 years Jackie's junior. One will only hope that Wu Jing somehow build on from this and undoubtedly he will. Celina Jade is stunningly captivating and have improved a lot in her acting since her Hong Kong debut. Jade have managed to build a successful career in US Television and also in martial arts films like Skin Trade and Triple Threat. With so much potential, Jade will also benefit from this box office storm. 

All in all, Wolf Warrior 2 is a non stop action blockbuster that depicts the lack of morality of terrorism and how dire the situation is facing certain parts of Africa. Diseases, deaths, bombing, murder is all on display. We live in the same world, yet human lives are so undervalue and non-existent. It's almost sad to witness these events in graphic detail, even if it is fictional at parts. We should celebrate the rise of Wu Jing and not a single martial arts fan will complain. Forget the nationalistic pride, this is Wu Jing's moment. 


I rated it 3.5/5

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