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News — Huang Xiao Ming

Film Review: The Bravest 烈火英雄 (2019) - China

Andrew Chan Andrew Lau Huang Xiao Ming The Bravest

Film Review: The Bravest 烈火英雄 (2019) - China

The Bravest 烈火英雄 (2019) - China Reviewed by Andrew Chan (Film Critics Circle of Australia) Help us continue to cover more Asian and Martial Art films by making a donation to Neo Film Blog below. In terms of filmmaking achievements, the latest fire fighting fiasco is given an absolute grand scale treatment in the Andrew Lau’s produced and directed by Tony Chan in “The Bravest”. Whilst the nationalistic pride is unavoidable, the film is largely good one as we see the real life struggles of firefighters risking their lives for the greater good of the rest of the population. It’s a tough job...

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Film Review: Escape Plan 2: Hades (2018) - US / China

Andrew Chan Escape Plan 2 Huang Xiao Ming Sly Stallone

Film Review: Escape Plan 2: Hades (2018) - US / China

Escape Plan 2: Hades (2018) - US / China     Reviewed by Andrew Chan (FCCA)   One of the best things about the original Escape Plan was the ultimate action icons pairing of Arnold Schwarzenegger and Sly Stallone. The complicated jail break sequence and structure makes the film more fun than it really should have been. The follow up is a low budget Chinese and American co-production that feels more like a DTV Van Damme or Seagal film than a Stallone affair. Given Stallone is 72, his presence and action sequences are limited to walking around the office and...

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